Friday, August 28, 2009

No really, it looks great

Second opinions are important.

You should always bring a friend along when buying a car. Preferably a friend that is less of a drunkard and more of an individual that is mechanically inclined, lest you make the same mistakes I do and drive off with a motorized tricycle and a welded-on sidecar.

You should also consult your wife before buying and/or selling a house. Or renting out a room. Or your children.

You really can't trust your instincts on a lot of things, or even if you can you should still bounce the idea off of another person, if for no other reason than if it sounds good in your head than it must sound even better out loud, and if you're just talking to yourself then you'll look crazy.

And then sometimes you are crazy and everyone else is there to tell you so.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't look as good with a beard as I thought I did.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


There are a few people that inexplicably have been checking this site for updates.

Wow, to believe that the world hasn't crushed your spirits yet. I applaud you.

I feel I owe an explanation.

School and life got busy. These things tend to happen. Sorry about that. Plus I had a second blog that I've been taking care of.

Well, the second blog is ending soon, so I'll be concentrating on this one more. And there will be some changes.

The reviews are fun and all, but they're not as popular with people as I would have hoped. I'm not dropping them entirely, but they won't be for every update. I figure I'll start updating twice a week like it says I will on the sidebar there. One post will be whatever, and then the other one will be the random review. I'll try this out for a while and see how I like it and how it's received from all three of you that feel the need to check this site.

So starting next week whenever I'm supposed to update, I'll be updating again.